My Middle SIL is known in the rest of the family as Bossy SIL. She's been called this to her face and just laughs and agrees. Bossy is the mother of Very Spoiled Youngest Nephew. Her world revolves around him and she thinks everyone else's should too. She was in my house, in my kitchen, going through my refrigerator, telling me I shouldn't have gotten various things because Nephew doesn't like them. I finally told her "I didn't get it for Nephew!" She was very shocked.
So... I'd replaced all of the ink cartridges in the printer just before everyone was coming over for dinner one weekend. Nephew asked if he could use the computer -- which was a positive step, he usually just plops down and starts playing games. Something he does that makes everyone a little nuts is prints out full-page pictures of race cars and race scenes. Usually night, so the entire background is dark.
After an hour or so, Bossy SIL came to me and said, 'Nephew needs to print out more pictures (no he doesn't 'need' to, he wants to!) and the ink is running out. The colors are all off. You need to put new cartridges in.'
I looked at her and said, 'Those are new cartridges.'
'Well, they're running out, you need to put new ones in.'
::sigh:: 'I don't have more cartridges. I just put those in a couple of days ago. The Office Depot is here, Staples is there, Walmart is just up the road. New cartridges will be about $80.' If he needs to print more pictures, she can go get the blinkin' cartridges!
She huffed and fussed some, then told Nephew to save the pictures, send them to himself and he'd have to print them at home.
Apparently, it was OK for me to spend another $80 on them, but not her, even though it's for her kid!