No I am not going to ask if you are better off today than you were four years ago
Are you better off compared to your parents? On the other board there is a nice thread about comparing you to your grandmother and it seemed like each generation is doing better than the one before. It kind of gives you a warm fuzzy.
Unless something catastophic happens I think my kids will be better off than I am. If you have kids do you think they will be better off?
It's a bit hard to say. I feel better off in some ways that are not strictly material-for example, there have been advances in medicine since my parents were my age. I feel our country has advanced with regards to certain social issues. Then again, maybe some things have gotten worse.
Materially (which is how I think you meant it) I don't know. There are different variables involved. I don't have some of the assets they had but I also don't have the expenses. Most significantly, I don't have children, so that's a big savings.
I don't feel particularly stable-I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up worse than they do.
In the mid to late 70's my parents were "middle class black". With a qualifier.
I'm middle class without the qualifier. I guess not having the qualifier makes me better off but my parents accomplished much more by reaching middle class than I did. So in a way I feel like they were better off.
Do I think my kids will be better off? My first one is well on her way. My 2nd is so into being a 20 year old right now that I can't even predict where her life will be when she's my age. I was already fully entrenched in adult life by the time I was her age and she's still such a child. My 3rd will have a life so much different than mine that I can't even quantify better or worse. She wants a career in the military and it doesn't even compare to the life we have now. My 4th I don't know yet but I think she will be like my first.