I have the worst luck with computers at work. In eight years I think I've had 6. One was a lemon from day one and only lasted about six months. It overheated and shut down whenever the temp in my office rose abouv 72. Tech support sent a guy to replace the motherboard three times before my boss took pity on me and ordered another one.
Anyway, the one I got last Thursday has Windows 8. It kind of sucks, but not as much today as yesterday. Does anybody else with Windows 8 like it or have any tips to make it tolorable?
I just got my new laptop an hour ago with Windows 8 on it. It isn't as bad as I thought but I am still getting used to it. One of the main things I am working on is getting rid of the apps that I don't and will never use. Then adding ones that I do. Maybe we can compare notes and figure things out together.