I love fresh tortillas. We used to have a Mexican place here that made their own. Now the don't. :(
I was in New Mexico and this little Mexican restaurant made their own tortillas, and you could buy some to take with you. I bought a bag and gobbled them down!
I just got a mexican slow cooker cookbook. I am very excited to try it! It has recipes for corn tortillas using masa, which is a type of cornmeal, I think? I also want to make my own flour tortillas, but no instructions.
Any advice? Recipes? What kind of tortilla press should I get?
The book said you needed a tortilla press, so I just assumed that was required! I've been Googling a bit, it doesn't seem that hard...which means I am going to serious screw this up!
Tortilla presses are good for corn tortillas. Flour, no. I can dig up recipes if you like, but it might take me a bit.
Masa is corn meal. Get a metal press, not wood. You'll need to press down harder than you'll think! It might take you a few rounds to get the hang of it. Flour tortillas we usually roll out with a PVC pipe. For some reason, that works better than a wood rolling pin. Use hot water in the mix, no matter what the directions say. :P Really hot. And have the pan ready to cook them!
If your tortilla adventure is a disaster, Costco (at least in CA) sells corn and flour tortillas that are pre-made but not cooked. Pretty darn good.
~LR, who lives in Mexico and wants to marry the old tortilla making granny up the road.