and my youngest DD graduates HS Friday the all five of my kids are graduated and the day I always heard was coming *fast* has arrived, and it is a bittersweet feeling.....
~ 4 Wheels Move the Body~ ~2 Wheels Move the Soul~
congrats to all of you, Riding. I remember the sigh of relief when my youngest graduated from high school - of course, he was a challenge and there were times I wasn't sure he was going to make it.
thanks, it feels so nice to know they are all doing good and my part in raising them is done, not that I am not always their mom, but the part to getting them to adulthood in one piece...whew....done.
But gosh it went so fast...I sometimes miss those days...and sometimes NOT LOL as I enjoy this empty nest more than I thought I would LOL.
We do still have the youngest at home, but with work, college etc. she is a busy busy person too.
~ 4 Wheels Move the Body~ ~2 Wheels Move the Soul~