I went out the front door to water the lilies and pulled the door closed behind me. Heard a noise and there was Bella leading Katy out onto the steps.
Shooed them back inside and made sure to lock the deadbolt. Bella was on her hind legs trying to press down on the handle (the lever kind), almost as soon as I walked away.
Good thing the door leading to the garage has regular knobs. I don't think she's figured those out!
Mine are perhaps not so smart. They will throw themselves at the door repeatedly, because they know something makes it open and maybe it might be brute force. Because you know 11 pound cats are power packed.
Some years ago, friends of mine had an awesomely smart cat -- we all figured they set cat evolution back when they had him neutered. They should have found him an equally smart girl cat....
He not only figured out how to turn doorknobs, he could also pull doors open. No closed door ever stayed that way with him around.
Visits to the bathroom were always interesting......
I have to make sure my screen doors are closed and latched or my clyde and his mimi me escape. This happened one day and the female came running into the back room yollewing to tell on them
She knew mimi me was not allowed out due to his allergys.
They already open the pantry door and sit on the bottom shelf all the time. I think they're hoping if that door opens, food will appear in their dish. If they figure ot they can do that with the door under the sink, I'm going to have move the cleaning stuff. I don't want them getting into toxic things.
Put one of those child proof latches on the cabinet under the sink. That'll at least delay them opening that for a bit.
Mine have figured out and have enough strength, to push/pull open the folding door to the linen closet. I'm constantly finding them getting all cozy on my freshly laundered towels.