Anyone ever do these? They're just a fun way to vent.
Dear DH,
I love spending time with you in the evenings, but I hate watching tv with you! Is it really necessary to watch two different games AND a movie all at the same time? The constant flipping is going to set off my migraine!
Your wife
Dear AB's tooth,
Pleasepleaseplease break through soon! You're messing with my poor baby's sleep and he is a total crankypants when he's tired (like his mother).
AB's mother
Dear MIL,
You've made me so happy that you're not spending the night when you come for AB's birthday party. You seriously have no idea how much stress you've taken off my shoulders, knowing that I won't have to deal with your shenanigans.
Your DIL
Dear Exterminator,
You've now rescheduled on me the second week in a row. If you do it again, I am not going to be so polite about it.
Disgruntled Consumer
Dear Stinkbugs,
Die, mother f-ers!
"I never understood why blessings wore disguises. If I were a blessing, I'd run around naked." - Sophia Petrillo
Dear homeless pets, I do not have a sign in my yard that says "Free Food and Medical Care. Inquire Within". I am sorry we are at maximum capacity. Please don't stop here and make me feel responsible for you.
Sincerely, The softie who's husband said if we get any more pets we are going to have a problem