Part of me would like to but the rational part of my brain says it's a bad idea. I haven't been playing well and I end up feeling bad for whatever team I am on. I still haven't started my break. I'm alive in the Star Trek game on Zeta. I plan on coming back, I think I just need to sit a few out and try to regain some focus. I enjoy mafia though and will probably watch the game.
Part of me would like to but the rational part of my brain says it's a bad idea. I haven't been playing well and I end up feeling bad for whatever team I am on. I still haven't started my break. I'm alive in the Star Trek game on Zeta. I plan on coming back, I think I just need to sit a few out and try to regain some focus. I enjoy mafia though and will probably watch the game.
Practice practice practice! The only way to get better is to keep playing. And don't worry for a minute that anyone else is judging how well you play. We were all new. And sometimes I still feel like I suck at it, even though I've played like 15 games or more by now.
This game is purely based on luck...there are some games you do well and others-you kinda wish they would kill you all ready because your mojo went on holiday.
Part of me would like to but the rational part of my brain says it's a bad idea. I haven't been playing well and I end up feeling bad for whatever team I am on. I still haven't started my break. I'm alive in the Star Trek game on Zeta. I plan on coming back, I think I just need to sit a few out and try to regain some focus. I enjoy mafia though and will probably watch the game.
Sweetie you ROCK at being mafia. I think you should haven been an evil genius in another life. Maybe you are training your kids to be your evil minions.