The Sunday school committee gave all the mothers in church petunias as a Mother's Day gift. There were extras, which I was told were mine for the flower planters on our porch.
Now, I have a black thumb. I can't keep plants alive no matter what I do. Whenever I get plants as gift, they're dead in a week or two, or I give them to my grandmother or MIL so they have a chance at life.
So, I gave the leftover petunias to another church member so she didn't have to buy flowers for HER planters. The head of the SS asked me yesterday if I got my flowers. I said I did, but that I gave them to Friend. SSHead said, "But I wanted those planted in the boxes on your porch."
In my politest Church Lady voice, I said lightly, "Oh, M, I can't keep plants alive. I'm glad I have much better luck with children" and changed the subject. What I was thinking was, "Lady, if you want flowers planted on my porch, then YOU can plant them and care for them."
Yes, my house IS church property, but it's MY home. We are allowed to decorate/landscape anyway we choose. I do want to plant some flowers after we come home from vacation, but I want to plant some deer-resistant blooms.
"I never understood why blessings wore disguises. If I were a blessing, I'd run around naked." - Sophia Petrillo
BTW, if you have a black thumb, planters are not the way to go. If you forget to water for a week or 2 or more, a plant in the ground will probably be okay, but not a plant in a planter.
Back to your original topic - yeah, that was kind "hint hint" from that lady.
Do you have empty plant boxes or planters on your porch? You said your house is church property. Are you renting? Empty planters can be unattractive. Perhaps it bothers her to sure church property not looking nice? Though I'm not sure if it's the sunday school teacher's business.
Our house is the parsonage - DH is the minister. The planters are built-in and they're not obviously planters. They just look like low walls bordering the porch.
"I never understood why blessings wore disguises. If I were a blessing, I'd run around naked." - Sophia Petrillo
It was very kind of you to give the flowers to someone you knew would appreciate them and could use them. You're right, it isn't any of the woman's business what you plant, or if you plant anything. It sounds like you handled it well.
With the additional info, since it sounds like you don't have junky-looking planters filled with dead plants or cigarette butts, it's not her business.