I just wanted to look around a bit before posting, especially after the garbage I witnessed over on the other board (many familiar names here will know where I mean, you were all pretty nice there too, even when you disagreed with people). This board seems a LOT nicer based on what I have read so far.
Currently I only surf on down-time at work because I have no internet access at home, so my posting may be limited or nonexistent some days or weeks. I hope to get to know all the nice people here.
Kindly leave the crap from the other board on the other board.
And it would be helpful, and more honest, nightshifter, if you identified yourself by the name others would know you as from other reincarnations.
Just a thought... but isn't it possible that Nightshifter might NOT be a reincarnation? I saw on "the other board" where they assume it's someone coming back (I believe they assumed it was me... not sure why though, since I have always "signed" my new accounts so as to keep people from confusing me with anyone else).
I do agree with the "leave the crap from the other board ON the other board" idea though. But I just thought he was explaining the delay in posting from the new account creation date. I didn't take his comment the same way you or kina did... as a "we need to talk about how bad/evil they are over there". I also didn't take his assertion that there are bad people over there as an assertion that EVERYONE is bad over there.
I could totally be wrong on that interpretation though. I'll admit that. Maybe someone should start a thread and ask him? (ETA: or send him a PM)
Welcome to the board Nightshifter!
Welcome to the board flan!
-- Edited by RichardInTN on Sunday 16th of February 2014 09:50:32 PM
"Yabba Dabba Doo" - Frederick J. Flintstone... So what?
(Judd Nelson as Atty. Robin 'Stormy' Weathers in "From the Hip")