On a more serious note... Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers out there in Peep-land. Those of you with grown children that have flown the coop... I hope they give you a call.
I'll be seeing my Mother in about 1/2 an hour.
"Yabba Dabba Doo" - Frederick J. Flintstone... So what?
(Judd Nelson as Atty. Robin 'Stormy' Weathers in "From the Hip")
Back atcha suomi, since you love your sweet girl more than some human females love their offspring! How's Dragon doing these days?
Thanks for asking!
We went for takeout breakfast at the diner yesterday and then sat outside and shared a whole wheat burrito with eggs and cheese. (Saturday, we sat outside and shared a scone.)
Three months into her diagnosis, and she doesn't act any differently than she did 3 months ago. I so grateful we were able to celebrate Mothers Day. Next month is her 12th birthday and we are looking forward to celebrating that, as well.
We were at her preschool on Friday for Grandparents' Day and then we went out to lunch. The Little Family does their own thing on MD. And yup, she's 4!
Thank you! I got to have lunch with my mom and son, plus I won Prettiest Mom at church for the third year in a row! (It probably has something to do with the fact that PM is the one that does the awards).
"I never understood why blessings wore disguises. If I were a blessing, I'd run around naked." - Sophia Petrillo