I was talking to my big sis on Sunday and she told me about a conversation she has with her 6 year old granddaughter.
They were at Sis's house and granddaughter was sitting on Sis's lap when she said "Nana, I would like to live in this house".
To which Sis responded "if you did, where would Grandpa and I live?".
Granddaughter responded "oh, you would still live here. When you and Grandpa are trying to die, I will come and live here with you and take care of you so you don't".
Koira Sioux and I were outside the local diner on Sunday. A little girl about 3 came out of the diner with her mother. LG asked me if she could pet Koira and I said yes. After she pets her and turns to go, I say goodbye and Happy Mothers Day to her mom. LG then turns around and says to me (in this cute little girl voice) Happy Mothers Day! It was so precious (especially since having Koira is as about as close to being a mom that I'll ever be!).
Aaaaww cute!
LO is still learning to talk, but she has a couple of phrases that crack me up.
When you ask her is she wants something she says something like "Yes, ok" and she has taken to encourage herself when doing something that's hard for her and goes "yes, well done" in Spanish in that cute little toddler voice.
One should NEVER be surprised at what kids say. There used to be a TV show called "Kids say the darnedest things", I loved that show because there's nothing quite like seeing the world through the eyes of a kid.
"Yabba Dabba Doo" - Frederick J. Flintstone... So what?
(Judd Nelson as Atty. Robin 'Stormy' Weathers in "From the Hip")
My daughter-in-law's favorite phrase is "I got this" when you offer to help her. I almost fell over when my grandson did NOT want my help going up a hill and I heard "got this" in 20-month-ese.
For Mothers Day my six year old had to complete sentences about his mom. So my mom likes to..... Run, my mom shows me she loves me when she...... Cooks dinner,etc. I thought it was hysterical when he wrote my mom is smart because she.....has a job. Everyone just fell out laughing at the dinner table.